Grade Levels » 5th Grade

5th Grade

What does my fifth grader need to learn this year? 
¿Qué necesita aprender mi alumno de quinto grado este año?

Unit 1: Personal Narratives
Unit 2: Early American Civilizations
Unit 3: Poetry
Unit 4: Adventures of Don Quixote
Unit 5: The Renaissance
Unit 6: The Reformation
Unit 7: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Unit 8: Native Americans
Unit 9: Chemical Matter
Grade 5 Module 1: Place Value and Decimal Fractions
Grade 5 Module 2: Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations
Grade 5 Module 3: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Grade 5 Module 4: Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions
Grade 5 Module 5: Addition and Multiplication with Volume and Area
Grade 5 Module 6: Problem Solving with the Coordinate Plane

5th Grade Physical Fitness Test

In spring 2025, our 5th graders will be assessed on the Physical Fitness test.  Students will be tested in the following areas:
  1. Aerobic Capacity: One Mile Run: How to Video
  2. Abdominal Strength & Endurance: Curl Up:
    1. Goal (All students): 10year= >12     11year=>15     12year= >18
    2. How to Video
    3. Curl Up Cadence
  3. Upper Body Strength and Endurance: Push up/ Modified Push Up
    1. Female Goals: 10-12 year old= 7 push ups or 4 modified push ups 
    2. Male Push up Goals: 10 year old=7   11 year old=8    12 year old=10
    3. Male Modified Push ups: 10 year old=5  11 year old=6   12 year old=7
  4. Flexibility:  Reach/ Shoulder Stretch 
    1. Goal (All Students): Yes on both sides
    2. How to do a Shoulder Stretch
  5. Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility: Trunk Lift
    1. Goal (All Students): 10-12 year old= 9-12 inches
    2. How to Video 
Body Composition: Testing To Be Determine
*No need to weigh/ measure height this year (2023)